Hollywood Methodist Church
The Clark County Historical Association is excited to announce the recent acquisition of the Hollywood Methodist Church! We are ready to foster this historic building into the future. Plans are underway to determine how we are going to share this bit of Clark County history with our community. Stay tuned for more exciting news related to the Methodist Church. Until then, here is a bit of history about the church, shared with us by Carolyn McAnally.
The first Methodist Church organized and built in Clark County was in 1812 at Hollywood. It was a log cabin about ¾ miles from the current church. In 1904 a new frame building was constructed on land donated to the church. When this building was destroyed by a fire, which almost destroyed the whole village, a new church was built and dedicated within 90 days of the disastrous fire. The new church was dedicated on June 21, 1925, and was still in use until the Association purchased it in August 2020.

Current View

1904 View

1925 View