As one of Arkansas’s five oldest counties, Clark County’s lengthy heritage offers much to commemorate. More than 100 places, people, and events have been recognized as historically significant in Clark County: Over forty sites/structures have been added to the National Register of Historic Places, and almost seventy markers, monuments, and memorials all across the county identify places, people, and events as noteworthy. When considered as a whole, these tributes present a nice overview of Clark County's rich history. Click the underlined items below to take a tour.
Markers, Monuments, Memorials
Markers of various colors, shapes, and sizes stand at historically significant points alongside roads and at other points to draw attention to the story of Clark County and its people. During the last few decades, the Clark County Historical Association has played a major role in creating markers. The Association’s placement of dozens of markers throughout the county has been its most visible activity in recent years, for the signage is seen daily by thousands of people. Take a virtual tour of the sixty-seven places—images and physical locations are provided, along with each marker’s text in italics.
Sites and Structures
Authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places program coordinates and supports public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect America's historic and archeological resources. The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of the nation's historic places deemed worthy of preservation. Forty such properties in Clark County are currently a part of the Register and serve to illustrate the area’s rich history. In Arkansas, the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program facilitates the National Register nomination process and that of the state’s own Arkansas Register of Historic Places, which has its own special qualification criteria. We invite you to learn more and enjoy a virtual visit to each of Clark County’s National Register places.